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Environmental Study of the DSEZ Initial Phase Project.
Myandawei Industrial Estate Company Limited (MIE) has recognized the importance and conscious of environment and community in Dawei Special Economic Zone (DSEZ) and followed the international practice, ever since the time that Myanmar laws/procedure has not been announced officially. MIE has engaged with the international consultants which are well known in the ASEAN from Thailand and Myanmar to conduct the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports related to the construction under the Initial Phase Development of DSEZ projects. The physical and biological data were collected in field investigation, including human use values and quality of life. All information was considered and incorporated as mitigation measures and monitoring programs in the Environmental Management Plan. 

Regarding to the Initial Phase Development for Dawei SEZ, the environmental studies were conducted under Concessionaire Agreement consisting of nine projects as bellow:  

1) IEE for Pa Yain Byu Small Water Reservoir Project and IEE for Water Treatment Plant
2) EIA for Initial Township Project
3) ESIA for Initial Industrial Estate Project
4) ESIA for Initial Phase Power Plant Project
5) ESIA for Two-Lane Road Project
6) ESIA for Small Port Project
7) ESIA for Temporary Power Plant Project
8) ESIA for Boil-off Gas Power Plant Project
9) ESIA for LNG Terminal Project

The current status of project number 1-9 is now under ECD reviewing of Draft Final Report and preparing for the 3rd public consultation.

The activities in environmental study are: data collection and field survey for various environmental aspects, socio-economic survey and public consultation. The environmental aspects to be studied will cover all aspects stated in the Myanmar Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure (2015), and also International Guidelines (World Bank/IFC).  

The benefits of EIA Report can be used in the planning of the utilization of natural resources efficiently and consistent with communities’ life to give the industries and communities live together without conflicts and can be used in the planning of local sustainable development. Moreover, the EIA report can be used for support information of the investor that interested in the Initial Phase of Dawei SEZ Projects, or used for support information in next phase development.

Myandawei Industrial Estate Company Limited.
43rd Floor, Italthai Tower, 2034/132-161, New Petchburi Road,
Huaykwang, Bangkapi, Bangkok, 10310, THAILAND
Tel.: +66 (0) 2-716-1154
Fax.: +66 (0) 2-716-1401
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